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2015-12-21 15:31:23来源:优游网发布:优游网


评分: 3.5 分游戏类型:动作冒险

语言:中文大小: 0MB

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伤害世界Hurtworld团战心得 伤害世界Hurtworld防晒霜在哪里
伤害世界Hurtworld生存法则 新手攻略 伤害世界Hurtworld服务器该如何选择
伤害世界野人在哪里 野人位置详解 伤害世界建筑怎么制造 建筑心得分享
伤害世界汽车怎么制造 汽车制造心得分享 伤害世界运行失败解决方案 伤害世界网吧怎么玩
伤害世界去沙漠区域需要换什么装备 伤害世界Hurtworld蓝矿在哪里 怎么得



hostHosts a game on the default map, and specified port. Loads the autosave if there is one. host 12871

hostHosts a game on the specified map, and specified port. Loads the autosave if there is one. host 12871 Desert

hostHosts a game on the specified map, and specified port. Loads the specified savegame (*tive to the .exe and without an extension) host 12871 Desert mysave

maxplayersSpecify the maximum number of players maxplayers 60

servernameSet the name of the server, as visible in the server browser. servername My Server

changelevelChange, or reload the level. changelevel Desert

creativemodeTurn creative mode on and off (free build). Value as 0 for off, 1 for on. creativemode 1

kick Kick a player, with a reason. Enter the start of a guid for a player (you can see these with `serverstatus`) to identify them. kick f422 Being a jerk

saveserverSave the server state to file, in the .exe directory. Can be loaded (see loadserver) saveserver mySave

loadserverLoad the server state from file, *tive to the .exe directory. loadserver mySave

changegameidChange the game id (used by server browser). Must supply a valid GUID.

hostHosts a game on the default map, and specified port. Loads the autosave if there is one.host 12871

hostHosts a game on the specified map, and specified port. Loads the autosave if there is one.host 12871 Desert

hostHosts a game on the specified map, and specified port. Loads the specified savegame (*tive to the .exe and without an extension)host 12871 Desert mysave

maxplayersSpecify the maximum number of playersmaxplayers 20

servernameSet the name of the server, as visible in the server browser.servername My Server

changelevelChange, or reload the level.changelevel Desert

creativemodeTurn creative mode on and off (free build). Value as 0 for off, 1 for on.creativemode 1

kick Kick a player, with a reason. Enter the start of a guid for a player (you can see these with `serverstatus`) to identify them.kick f422 Being a jerk

saveserverSave the server state to file, in the .exe directory. Can be loaded (see loadserver)saveserver mySave

loadserverAdditively load the server state from file, *tive to the .exe directory.loadserver mySave

addadminAdds a player as admin to the local server for the current session onlyaddadmin 179673BE-B868-C1A4-4F87-0341FD852002

queryportSpecifies the port to use for communication with the master server, this port must be publicly accessible for the server to show up in the game browser. Default is 12881.queryport 12882

quitQuits the game immediately.quit



itemlistShows a list of all items in game (some of them still in development) with item codesitemlist bow

g Gives you an item based on item code, be careful with this, if you give yourself too many they will spew onto the ground and lag the serverg 52 100

g Gives you of every item thats name contains the string g ore 255

rconExecutes a command on the server as if it was typed directly into its console

spawnThis will spawn any networked object 2 meters in front of you. Full list of prefabs coming soonspawn AITokarServer or spawn sandstorm

refreshaiDestroys all creatures and resource nodes in the world

teleport Specified by full name, will take player A directly to player Bteleport spencer dazzler

